Music Wellness with McKenzie

Promoting wellness through mind, body, emotional, spiritual, and interpersonal connection

The root of my practice is in fostering connection. So what exactly does this mean, and how can it help you?

The philosophy of my practice is that wellness is achieved through mind, body, emotional, spiritual, and interpersonal connection. So what does this look like?

When you are connected to your mind, body, and emotions, you have a better understanding of yourself and your place in the world. You are able to be mindful of the moment and understand the way you behave in different situations. From there, you can adjust your actions to be more in line with your values, leading to and increased sense of wellness.

Experiencing spiritual connection is also important. Spirituality can look very different to everyone. It can come in the form of following an organized religion, hearkening back to the pagan beliefs of your ancestors, or believing in a higher power. When you are connected to you spirituality, you come to have an understanding of your calling and your place in the universe.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, there is interpersonal connection. These are the interactions and relationships we experience with others. As naturally social creatures, we strive to find others that leave us feeling supported and understood. When you experience genuine connection with others, it can leave you feeling whole and fulfilled. Having a group of supports can even help to foster the previously mentioned areas of connection.

How can music help to foster connection?

At this point you are likely either thinking “how the heck can music help with connection?” or “oh my gosh, music is the perfect thing to use for connection!” If you lean towards the side of wondering how music can be used, I’d like you to take a moment to think about your relationship with music and the role it plays in your life. Here are some questions to get you thinking:

  • How do I feel when I listen to music? Does it change my mood? Does it make me feel validated? Does it make me want to move my body? Do I feel a change in energy?

  • What are my favorite types of music? What draws me to these genres?

  • What are some of my favorite music related memories? Do they involve experiencing music with others?

  • If you are someone who creates music, either by performing or writing music, what is it that drives you to create? How do you feel when you are creating? How do you feel when you are performing?

Whether you answered one or all of these questions, you were acknowledging ways you already use music for connection. If you use music the validate or change your mood, you connect to your emotions through music. If you listen to music to change how your body feels, you connect to your body through music. If there is certain music you enjoy listening to because it makes you think, you connect to your mind through music. If some of your favorite music memories involve experiencing music with others, you connect to others through music. If you listen to or perform music to feel more in tune with your higher power, you connect to your spirituality through music. There are so many ways you already use music for connection, possibly without even realizing it!

Time to bring music, connection, and wellness together

After learning about how music, connection, and wellness work together, would you like to begin incorporating this more into your holistic health and wellness journey? If your answer is “yes,” then Music Wellness with McKenzie is just for you! I am a board certified music therapist (MT-BC) with half a decade’s experience in the mental health field. During that time, I worked with children, adolescents, and adults with a range of diagnoses including depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder, BPD, and addiction. While working with these individuals, I learned the one thing that was consistent across the board was a lack of connection. While I am not suggesting that a lack of connection is the root cause for all of these diagnoses, what I AM suggesting is that fostering and developing connection is an integral part of everyone’s mental health journey, whether you are just beginning your mental health treatment, are actively in recovery and wellness, or anywhere in between.

At Music Wellness with McKenzie, I strive to bring together individuals in a place of safety, health, wellness, and connection. I thoughtfully and carefully curate music based initiatives that focus on fostering mind, body, emotional, spiritual, and interpersonal connection. Each initiative that I lead will have a different focus, so it is your choice to choose what you would like to focus on for your own health and wellness. One initiative may focus on mind, body, and emotional wellness, while another may focus solely on interpersonal connection. During each group session, it is your choice to attend alone for an opportunity to connect with others in your community or to attend with a partner, friends, or family members to grow your connection to them. I’m so honored and excited to be a part of your holistic health journey!

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