Affirmation Drumming

This session focuses on mind, emotional, spiritual, and interpersonal connection. To start the session, cards with various positive affirmations are laid out. Each session member is asked to select an affirmation that they feel resonates with them in the moment. The affirmation can be reflective of something the session member is currently working or would like to begin working on, or it could simply be something that speaks to them in the moment. After selecting an affirmation, session members engage in a brief journaling exercise to reflect on their affirmation. This journaling exercise can reflect any thoughts or feelings the session member has towards their chosen affirmation.

After journaling, each session member is asked to select a hand drum. From there, McKenzie leads a drumming experience which centers around incorporating session members’ affirmations into rhythms followed by call and response drumming and group drumming. At the conclusion of the drumming exercise, McKenzie leads a brief processing discussion centered around the process and experiences of the group members.