Live Music Mindfulness. Emotional, Body, and Interpersonal Connection

Live Music Mindfulness

This session focuses on emotional, body, and interpersonal connection. McKenzie arrives to this session with a list of 100 songs from a variety of genres and time periods, all of which she is able to sing and perform on guitar. Each member of the session is asked to choose one song from this list that they would like McKenzie to perform. After the individual’s requested song is played, they are asked to share their responses to the following questions with other group members:

  1. Why did you pick the song? (Ex: brings back memories, reflective of mood, you like the song or artist, etc.)

  2. What emotions did you feel while listening?

  3. What did you experience in your body while listening? (Ex: change in heart rate, change in breathing, tense, relaxed, chills, goosebumps, etc.)

Once that individual shares their responses, McKenzie offers space for the other group members to share their responses to the music as well. This can include sharing things they notice within themselves, sharing their own experiences with the song, or connecting with the original requestor of the song. The session ends once all group members have requested a song and shared.