Music Bingo

This session focuses on interpersonal connection and will have you playing Bingo in a totally new and engaging way! Session members are given an indeterminate number of small strips of paper. The number will be determined based on the total number of participants. McKenzie then asks that each session member write the name of a song that is representative of themselves on each slip of paper. For example, if each session member is given 3 pieces of paper, they would write down 3 songs. Songs can be representative of an individual due to associated memories, emotions, or just because the song brings them joy! McKenzie then collects these songs and, from there, works with session members to create their Bingo cards with each square containing the name of a song shared by group members.

Once Bingo cards are created, McKenzie moves on to the actual playing of the game. She pulls a random song that has been submitted by session members. She then shares the song name and session members cross the title off on their card like a typical game of Bingo. This is the part where the interpersonal connection comes in! After sharing the song title, McKenzie then plays 30-60 seconds of the song. Session members then work to try to guess who shared the song. Whether individuals are able to guess correctly right away or not does not influence the game itself, though McKenzie often finds that individuals have more fun trying to decipher who shared the songs than the actual playing of the game. Based on appropriateness/regulations of the facility, McKenzie also brings small prizes for winners to choose from.