September 23rd VIRTUAL Music Wellness Session


Music Mandalas

Monday, September 23rd, 5:30 -7:00pm (CT)

Google Meets

This session will focus on mind, emotional, spiritual, and interpersonal connection. McKenzie will begin by briefly sharing the history and uses of mandalas. Following this discussion, session members will engage in creating mandalas to music. McKenzie will play 30-40 minutes of live music and ask that session members create mandalas based on what comes to their mind while listening to the music, along with a few other prompts which will relate back to the mandala discussion. At the conclusion of the music listening and art making, session members will be asked to individually share their artwork and their experience of creating a mandala. Session members will be asked to arrive to virtual session with desired art materials. Upon purchase of this wellness session, you will receive an email with a Google Meets link. This is what you will use to log onto this virtual session.

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Session FAQs

I’ve seen a mandala, and it looks so complicated! How am I supposed to do that?

While the focus will be on mandalas, yours does not have to look like a “traditional” mandala. You can create a collage of images that come to mind, use shapes and colors, write down words or phrases, or any combination of these things. It’s really up to you!

I don’t think I’m good at art. Can I do this?

Of course you can! You will find that one of the main takeaways of this session is that the focus is on the process and not the product. You cannot fail as long as you are willing to be present and try your best.

Do I need to bring my own art materials?

Basic art materials, including colored pencils and oil pastels, will be provided. However, if you prefer to use your own materials or would like to use materials other than what is supplied you are welcome to bring your own.

What if I feel nervous or uncomfortable sharing?

If this is the case, take a moment to reflect and remember that others are likely feeling the same way! If you are signing up for this session, it is more than likely because you are looking for connection. Connection occurs during moments of vulnerability. Some of the most beautiful moments occur when you open yourself up to others. You may just find that others have had similar experiences when you choose to share!

Do I need to be a musician or “good” at music?

Absolutely not! All that is required is a love of music and a willingness to be open to sharing your experiences and the experiences of others without judgment. A willingness to push yourself outside of your comfort zone will also serve you well - these are the moments where the greatest growth and connection occur!